Call Before You Dig
Your safety is important to Jackson County REMC. If you plan on doing any digging on your property, whether to plant a tree or build an addition to your home or garage, please call 811 at least two full business days prior to any digging to have all underground utility lines located and marked on your property for FREE.

Power Line Safety
Accidentally contacting a power line can be dangerous and in some cases, even deadly. We want to make sure you know what to do in potentially dangerous situations.

Child Electric Safety
Electrical safety is a top priority at Jackson County REMC. This is most important when it comes to kids. Children don’t always know — or remember — what can be dangerous, so it’s up to the adults to watch out for their safety.

Pet Safety
Keeping every member of your family safe around electricity is a priority and that includes the furry members of your family too.

Generator Safety
The safety of you, our members, and our employees is a top priority at Jackson County REMC, especially during dangerous times.

Live Line Demo Request Form
With the help of our G&T, Hoosier Energy, we are able to provide a live line demonstration to bring awareness of power line safety.

Shooting Near Power Lines
In our cooperative, comprising over 20,000 members, the safety and maintenance of our power grid are paramount. The power lines, fiber lines and utility poles serve as the backbone of our reliable electricity and high-quality internet services. However, an unfortunate and increasing problem has emerged: power lines and fiber lines being shot.

First Responders Live Line
Here, you will find the link to our Video on Youtube.
Just click on Read More to watch!

Spotting Phone Scams
Don’t let scammers ruin your day. Stay alert and safeguard your personal information. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.